Monday, September 10, 2007


CMWCXV received a nice email from Tatsuya in Tokyo thanking us for a great time.
'Ireland is very buetifule contry!!!
i want to back & drink sooooooo much.'
They all had a ball and really want to come back. They also really want us to go to Tokyo.

Tokyo will be hosting CMWC in 2009, but until then there is the 9th edition of Mixpression. The guys are going to run this as a pre-event for CMWC Toronto, should be amazing.

So Tatsuya dropped a few links for us to check out, one of which is the homepage of Tomity, a pro Keirin racer and good friend to the messengers. Hasn't been updated in a while, but click on the links at the top of the page, he has some great pics of keirin parts some of which were modified and manufactured by Tomity himself.

Here is the homepage for Mixpression.

Tatsuyas company in Tokyo.


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