Friday, October 3, 2008

Halloween Race

Halloween main race will take place Fri. October 31st.

Registration: Wilton Place from 7pm. (wilton park house if weather is shit)

Race starts: 8pm

€5 Entry.

Prizes for best costume.

Afterparty venue to be confirmed... (not my place...)


Anonymous said...

There'll be a Halloween ride over in Brum. It's gonna include a fixed gear elimination race, trackstand comp, and a sprint. That's if anyone turns up and if it doesn't piss down.

Some of the unfixed gear riders in Brum are complaining that it's unfair, elitist etc.

Pricks... if they want a race where the rules favour them, they can fuck off and organize their own race!

Anonymous said...

... Pricks... if they want a race where the rules favour them, they can fuck off and organize their own race... ???

How narrow-minded is that?

Anonymous said...

ha ha... where's the party at? not the shaws please its too shit.

messedup said...

After part will be upstairs in Anseo, and then on to a secret location that is still definitely not my place.